The Parish Council

North Crawley Parish Council has a maximum of seven councillors to serve the community for a four year term.  The current term of office ends in May 2027.

The Council is part of the first tier of local government, arguably the one that is the closest to the local community. The Council has certain responsibilities which it currently carries out including:

  • Ownership of open spaces within the village and responsibility for their maintenance, e.g. the playing field, Kilpin Green, Nixeys Walk.
  • Provision and maintenance of the bus shelter
  • Provision and emptying of litter bins and dog bins
  • Ownership of the cemetery in North Crawley and responsibility for its maintenance and management
  • Provision and maintenance of street furniture, e.g. seats, plant troughs
  • Maintenance of trees in open spaces
  • Provision and maintenance of the public access defibrillator
  • Ownership and maintenance of the war memorial
  • Ownership of the Institute and Playing Field which is managed on a day to day basis by the Institute Management Committee on which the Parish Council is represented
  • Leadership on the development of the Neighbourhood Plan which was approved by a referendum in January 2023.  This will control any future housing development in the village
  • Informing Milton Keynes City Council about problems with the services it provides, e.g. traffic signs, street lighting, public footpaths, potholes.
  • Commenting on planning applications being considered by Milton Keynes City Council
  • Supporting local groups, e.g. assisting the Play Park Committee in applying for grants
  • Organising and supporting community events, e.g. Queen’s Jubilee celebration, King's Coronation, Fun Days and subsidising local groups to hire the Institute

The current members of North Crawley Parish Council are:

Steve Garner (Chair) - 07973 192733

Jim Armstrong - 07831 871281

Laura Butterworth

Derek Harpur -  07941 350296

Niels Kearney - 01234 391692

Terry Smith - 01234 391381

Jan Weatherley - 01234 391387


Click here for the Register of Pecuniary Interests of Parish Councillors

The term of office for the Parish Councillors listed above is until May 2027


Are you interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?

The following links give information about Parish Councils and how to become a councillor.  If you think you might be interested in becoming a councillor, please contact the Clerk for an informal chat.

It takes all sorts

Power to the People

All about Local Councils 


The Clerk to the Parish Council is Mrs Sheila Bushnell to whom all matters concerning the Parish Council should be addressed

By email:

By post: 3 Folly Lane, North Crawley, NEWPORT PAGNELL, Bucks, MK16 9LN

By phone: 01234 391501


Other useful contacts:


  • Your Milton Keynes City Council councillors for the Olney Ward are Peter Geary, Keith McLean and Debbie Whitworth. They can be reached via email at