Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a meeting of the Parish Council but is a meeting of the parish electors who are encouraged to contribute to the agenda.  Legally the meeting has to be held between 1 March and 1 June and it can celebrate local activites and debate current issues in the community.  The chair of the council, any two councillors or any six electors can call the Annual Parish Meeting and it is often chaired by the chair of the Parish Council if present at the meeting.

Meetings were not held in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID restrictions.

A meeting was scheduled to take place in May 2023 but no residents were present so the meeting could not take place.

The minutes of the most recent Annual Parish Meeting can be found below.  These minutes are in draft form until approved at the next Annual Parish Meeting.

2022 Annual Parish meeting 

2019 Annual Parish meeting

2018 Annual Parish meeting

2017 Annual Parish meeting

2016 Annual Parish meeting